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Un indicador de nivel de agua (regleta) puede utilizarse para medir el nivel del agua en un río o quebrada.

Realizando mediciones periódicas, se pueden registrar los cambios del nivel del agua a lo largo del tiempo. La escala del indicador del nivel del agua está en centímetros (cm). Este es un tipo de indicador del nivel del agua, en el que cada marca tiene 1 centímetro de ancho:

  ID 1683 water level gauge

En este ejemplo, el nivel de agua es de 56 cm (4 cm debajo de 60). Este es el valor que debes ingresar en la aplicación como “Nivel de agua”.

En el caso de que el nivel del agua de un río pueda subir por encima de 1 metro (100 cm), serán montados varios medidores de nivel de agua uno encima del otro o en diagonal: 

ID 1683 multiple gauges

A continuación, el número de la parte superior te indicará en metros el nivel máximo de agua que puede medirse en ese indicador en concreto. En el ejemplo anterior, es 1 m. Este es el valor que introduces como "Número de regleta" en la aplicación.

Dienstag, 02 Mai 2023 17:55

How to measure turbidity

Turbidity can be measured with a turbidity tube (see image below).

  ID 1685 turbidity tube

The tube has a scale on the side. Higher values indicate that more particles are dissolved in the water and that it its less clear. In terms of water quality, the lower the value the better.

To measure the turbidity several steps are necessary:

First fill the bucket attached to the chain with water from the river. Try to collect water from the surface of the river and not from the river bed.

Then pour a little bit of water into the turbidity tube until it reaches the first mark (see sample photo below).

ID 1685 first mark

Now look into the turbidity tube from the top. Can you see the green circle at the bottom of the tube?

ID 1685 green circle

 -If you can't see the green circle anymore, read the value at the lowest mark on the tube and enter the value in the appropriate field in the HydroCrowd app. If the green circle is still visible, fill the tube until the next mark. Repeat the process until you can't see the green circle anymore.

ID 1685 no pattern

Enter the value in the application where the circle is no longer visible.

Dienstag, 02 Mai 2023 17:32

How to read the water level gauge

A water level gauge can be used to measure the water level in a river. By taking regular measurements, you can record the changes in water level over time. The scale on the water level gauge is in centimeters (cm). This is one type of water level gauge, where each mark is 1 centimeter wide:

  ID 1683 water level gauge

In this example, the water level is 56 cm (4 cm below 60). This is the value you enter as 'Water level value' in the app.

In the case that the water level of a river can rise above 1 meter (100 cm), several water level gauges will be mounted on top or diagonally above each other:          

ID 1683 multiple gauges

Then the number on top will tell you the maximum water level that can be measured at that particular gauge in meters. In the example above, it is 1 m. This is the value you enter as the 'Gauge number' in the app.

Dienstag, 02 Mai 2023 17:25

How to measure humidity

The hygrometer (see example below) measures how moist the air is at a certain location. This is also called relative humidity.

  ID 1676 hygrometer

It can measure the humudity from 0 % (completly dry) to 100% (very humid). The scale on the hygrometer is divided into intervals of 1% (short marks) and 5% (long marks). The mark closest to the pointer is the current humidity. In the example above the humidity is 50%.

Dienstag, 02 Mai 2023 17:16

How to measure temperature

The thermometer measures the air temperature at a certain location. The thermometer at this station measures temperatures from -35 to 55 degrees Celsius (°C) (see example below).

ID 1675 thermometer

When the temperature is negative (below 0°) it is freezing. The scale on the thermometer is divided into intervals of 1°C (short marks) and 5°C (long marks). The mark closest to the pointer is the current temperature. In the example above the temperature is 20°C.

Dienstag, 02 Mai 2023 17:03

How to measure rainfall

Rainfall at a certain location is measured with a rain gauge. At the station, the rain gauge is mounted on the right side of the info board (see example below).

  ID 1671 info board

Rainfall is measured in millimeters (mm). The scale on the side of the rain gauge indicates how much rain fell since the last time the rain gauge was emptied. The scale is divided into intervals of 1 mm (short marks) and 5 mm (long marks). Look at the water in the rain gauge. Position yourself, such that your eyes are at the same height as the water level in the rain gauge (see example below).

ID 1671 rain gauge example

The mark closest to the water level in the rain gauge is the amount of rainfall. In the example above the rainfall is 10 mm. After submitting your rainfall measurement, don't forget to empty the rain gauge by turning it upside down and afterward turning it back with the inlet facing toward the sky (like it is in the first image).

Dienstag, 02 Mai 2023 16:20

What should be on the photo?

This depends on the type of station you want to report from: a weather station, a water station, the Weather@Home or the Photo Note. Look at the instructions for every station type below:

1.) Are you at a weather station?

Take a photo of the info board. Make sure that it is possible to read the values on the thermometer, hygrometer and the rain gauge from the photo (see example below).

ID 1669 water station

2.) Are you at a water station?

Take a photo of the water level gauge in the water (see example below) and make sure that it is possible to read the value of the water level gauge from the photo. Note that the water level gauge at your station could look slightly different than in the example.

ID 1669 water station

3.) Do you want to report from your Weather@Home station?

Take a photo of your rain gauge (see example below) and make sure that it is possible to read the value easily.

ID 1669 weaterhome

4.) Do you want to report a photo note?

These can be used to share photos of any kind of weather events, for example a hail storm, a flooding or a dry river bed. Here are some examples:

ID 1669 photo note flood

On the picture above you can see a flooded river.


On the picture above you can see a nearly dried out river.

ID 1669 photo note soil erosion

On the picture above you can see heavy soil erosion (the rain has partially washed away the soil).

ID 1669 photo note drought 1

On the picture above you can see a drought.

Dienstag, 05 Juli 2022 17:33


Regenwürmer leben im Erdboden und sind zylindrisch gegliederte Würmer aus der Ordnung der Wenigborster. In Österreich leben derzeit 54 bekannte Arten. Ihre durchschnittliche Lebenszeit liegt zwischen drei und acht Jahren. Die bekannteste Art in Österreich ist der Gemeine Regenwurm (Lumbricus terrestris). Dieser wird 9 cm bis 30 cm lang.

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Dienstag, 05 Juli 2022 17:33


Derzeit gibt es über 350.000 bekannte Arten in 179 Familien. Damit sind die Käfer die größte Ordnung in der Familie der Insekten. Die Körperform der Käfer ist sehr vielfältig und variiert von langen, schlanken, bis zu sehr kurzen Arten. Weiters gibt es flache bis stark kugelig geformte Körper. Die Körperform ist also von Art zu Art unterschiedlich und zeigt die Anpassung an die Lebensweise der einzelnen Arten.

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Dienstag, 05 Juli 2022 17:33


Der Körperbau der Ameisen ist in drei Teile untergliedert (Kopf, Brust und Hinterleib). Zusätzlich besitzen sie drei Bein- und bei geflügelten Arten zwei Flügelpaaren. Es gibt mehr als 13.000 bekannte Arten. Ameisen leben in sogenannten Insektenstaaten, die immer in mindestens drei Kasten unterteilt sind, nämlich fruchtbare Weibchen (Königinnen), fruchtbare Männchen und Arbeiterinnen.

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