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Negative spotted by Interviewer7.GroningenAC: “Sommige auto's stoppen niet voor het zebrapad GWE = 8” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Negative #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Very positive spotted by Interviewer1.GroningenAC: “8” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Verypositive #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Negative spotted by SurveyorGroningen5: “Het is niet zo mooi hier, de parkeerplaats is een lelijk uitzicht. Er ligt veel afval ook het parkje. Winkelcentrum van binnen wel mooi. Er zou hier op de parkeerplaats bijvoorbeeld wel meer groen mogen GWE: 4” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Negative #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Positive spotted by interviewer2gr: “8 nice clear sidewalk, shops and barbershops closeby and a safe feeling” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Positive #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Positive spotted by Interviewer1.GroningenAC: “Grade: 7” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Positive #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Negative spotted by Interviewer1.GroningenAC: “Grade: 6,5” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Negative #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Positive spotted by SurveyorGroningen5: “GWE:7” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Positive #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Positive spotted by Interviewer7.GroningenAC: “GWE= 8” in the Walkability App on 21.09.2024

#Walkability #Positive #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Very positive spotted by Interviewer1.LeeuwardenAC: “Walking experience 8 out of 10” in the Walkability App on 20.09.2024

#Walkability #Verypositive #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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Neutral spotted by Interviewer1.LeeuwardenAC:in the Walkability App on 20.09.2024

#Walkability #Neutral #SPOTTERON

Spot in Walkability

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