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Urban spotted by Beelze Bub: “Hospital of St.Gallen” in the MTA MountainApp App on 25.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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Urban spotted by Francesca Iasiello: “Bibliothek” in the MTA MountainApp App on 25.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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other spotted by Thomas Tannheimer: “Altstadtvilla” in the MTA MountainApp App on 25.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #other #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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Urban spotted by doubekma:in the MTA MountainApp App on 25.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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Urban spotted by sophie.klement_PHSG: “Kulturmuseum St. Gallen, befindet sich direkt neben dem Kunstmuseum im Stadtpark. Das Gebäude wurde 1915–1921 nach Plänen der Winterthurer Architekten Bridler & Völki erstellt.” in the MTA MountainApp App on 25.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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forest spotted by Marina UZH: “This is a view of the Uetliberg from an area called Allmend. The Allmend is in my opinion the closest you can get to that "nature feeling" around Zurich. Still, there are always many people around here.” in the MTA MountainApp App on 20.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #forest #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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agricultural spotted by Fatima_TSU: “Unique architecture from Tusheti” in the MTA MountainApp App on 22.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #agricultural #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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Urban spotted by Mzia Gviniashvili_TSU: “Kitty resting beside a kitty front of Synagogue” in the MTA MountainApp App on 22.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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Urban spotted by Mzia Gviniashvili_TSU: “tunnel that takes you to Mtkvari River so near,that you can touch it” in the MTA MountainApp App on 20.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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mountainous spotted by Gvantsa TSU: “The beautiful view in the background makes work more enjoyable and helps to stay focused. Location: Aussois” in the MTA MountainApp App on 20.10.2023

#MTAMountainApp #mountainous #SPOTTERON

Spot in MTA MountainApp

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