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Parking spotted by 77delg ADel: “Aparcament segur Carretera de Caldes (5 places). 2a Generació. Funciona bé.” in the BiciZen App on 07.12.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Safety spotted by Cycledudebcn: “situació de perill real. m'ha passat ja 2 cops.” in the BiciZen App on 07.12.2023

#BiciZen #Safety #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Luca Liebscht:in the BiciZen App on 07.12.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Homer Gz:in the BiciZen App on 07.12.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by m9strange:in the BiciZen App on 06.12.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Safety spotted by EParera: “Falten 6 separadors. 4+ 1 + 1.” in the BiciZen App on 05.12.2023

#BiciZen #Safety #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Homer Gz:in the BiciZen App on 05.12.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by neustp: “Aparcament tipus u invertida” in the BiciZen App on 05.12.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Obstruction spotted by Dani_o_Daniel EnBici Barcelona:in the BiciZen App on 05.12.2023

#BiciZen #Obstruction #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Obstruction spotted by Dani_o_Daniel EnBici Barcelona:in the BiciZen App on 04.12.2023

#BiciZen #Obstruction #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps
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