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Charles Risen, Pixabay


Crataegus spp.

  • Height: up to 10 m, depending on species
  • Trunk: Shrub-shaped or small tree, often densely branched, smooth bark, green-brown to dark brown, cracking with age
  • Leaves: lobed or serrated, petiolate leaves (depending on species), with stipules
  • Buds: ovoid to spherical
  • Flowers: white blossom in May/June, rich in nectar, insect-friendly
  • Fruits/seeds: small, yellow to red apple-like drupes
  • Other: many (sub)species and variations, thorny branches

Weißdorn Blätter Früchte Janina Deutschmann
Weißdorn - Blätter + Früchte
Photo: Janina Deutschmann