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Charles Risen, Pixabay


Abies spp.

  • Height: up to 40 m
  • Trunk: Bark light grey, smooth with distinct cork warts (lenticels), coarse and scaly with age
  • Leaves: needles often flat, usually blunt and helically arranged, often parted, underside with two white stripes
  • Fruits/seeds: ovoid to cylindrical cones, upright, disintegrate after ripening
  • Other: Shade tree species


TanneMartina Gehret
©Martina Gehret

Tanne Martina Gehret
©Martina Gehret

PA170013 Tanne Stamm Kerstin Ellersdorfer
Tanne Stamm 
Photo: Kerstin Ellersdorfer

PA170015 Tanne Zweig Kerstin Ellersdorfer
Tanne Zweig
Photo: Kerstin Ellersdorfer