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Landslide spotted by Jen Rojas:in the P51 App on 05.07.2024

#P51 #Landslide #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Coastal erosion spotted by Maria_Paula:in the P51 App on 05.07.2024

#P51 #Coastalerosion #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Extreme temperatures (too cold, too hot) spotted by Maria_Paula:in the P51 App on 05.07.2024

#P51 #Extremetemperaturestoocoldtoohot #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Sea level rise spotted by Maria_Paula:in the P51 App on 05.07.2024

#P51 #Sealevelrise #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Extreme temperatures (too cold, too hot) spotted by Vivian Navarro:in the P51 App on 04.07.2024

#P51 #Extremetemperaturestoocoldtoohot #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Hurricane or cyclone spotted by FerMu:in the P51 App on 04.07.2024

#P51 #Hurricaneorcyclone #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Storm spotted by Adriana Vasquez:in the P51 App on 03.07.2024

#P51 #Storm #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Hurricane or cyclone spotted by Adriana Vasquez: “No prueba” in the P51 App on 03.07.2024

#P51 #Hurricaneorcyclone #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Landslide spotted by Adriana Vasquez:in the P51 App on 03.07.2024

#P51 #Landslide #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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Melting glaciers spotted by Adriana Vasquez:in the P51 App on 03.07.2024

#P51 #Meltingglaciers #SPOTTERON

Spot in P51

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