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Carrion Crow spotted by Andreas Ryser: “Auf einemSchlafbaum. Es scheint aber auch Gefahren zu geben weil gelegentlich der ganze Schwarm erschreckt auffliegt um bald wieder zurückzukommen. (Es war dunkek, Foto mit Nigthshot)” in the KraMobil App on 26.12.2020

#KraMobil #CarrionCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Hybrid (Carrion / Hooded) spotted by Paul von KraMobil: “Frohe Weihnachten an euch und eure Familien!! LG, Paul” in the KraMobil App on 24.12.2020

#KraMobil #HybridCarrionHooded #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Carrion Crow spotted by Andreas Ryser: “Immer wieder fliegen einzelne Rabenkrähen zielstrebig zu andern Standorten.” in the KraMobil App on 23.12.2020

#KraMobil #CarrionCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Hooded Crow spotted by Katharina:in the KraMobil App on 23.12.2020

#KraMobil #HoodedCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Hybrid (Carrion / Hooded) spotted by Katharina:in the KraMobil App on 23.12.2020

#KraMobil #HybridCarrionHooded #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Carrion Crow spotted by Katharina: “Kontrollieren den Zutritt zum Augarten” in the KraMobil App on 23.12.2020

#KraMobil #CarrionCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Carrion Crow spotted by Andreas Ryser: “Unruhiges Rumfliegen” in the KraMobil App on 22.12.2020

#KraMobil #CarrionCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Rook spotted by Patrick BA: “Fliegen ca 1min im Kreis, danach weiter weg” in the KraMobil App on 21.12.2020

#KraMobil #Rook #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Hooded Crow spotted by Katharina: “Trinkt viel” in the KraMobil App on 21.12.2020

#KraMobil #HoodedCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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Rook spotted by Patrick BA:in the KraMobil App on 19.12.2020

#KraMobil #Rook #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

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