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nature & sustainability spotted by SusanneFormanek: “Bis auf die Grasnarbe runtergemacht” in the Citizen Voice App on 18.06.2023

#CitizenVoice #naturesustainability #SPOTTERON

Spot in Citizen Voice

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construction & ground spotted by SusanneFormanek: “Sehr kurz abgemäht! Kein Futter für Bienen/Insekten” in the Citizen Voice App on 17.06.2023

#CitizenVoice #constructionground #SPOTTERON

Spot in Citizen Voice

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nature & sustainability spotted by Ka vonSeiten: “Versuchsfeld von Anita Fuchs beim Museumsquartier Wien mit natürlicher Bepflanzung. So geht #stadtnatur, liebes Wien und MA42” in the Citizen Voice App on 13.06.2023

#CitizenVoice #naturesustainability #SPOTTERON

Spot in Citizen Voice

Published in Spots from all apps

construction & ground spotted by SusanneFormanek:in the Citizen Voice App on 11.06.2023

#CitizenVoice #constructionground #SPOTTERON

Spot in Citizen Voice

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industry & commerce spotted by Ka vonSeiten: “Schöner Ort! Nice space!” in the Citizen Voice App on 09.06.2023

#CitizenVoice #industrycommerce #SPOTTERON

Spot in Citizen Voice

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