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Player spotted by Ethan Titus: “New player, looking to get into Battletech. Kind of want to see if there’s anywhere semi-loca to play before investing though.” in the BattleSpots App on 13.01.2024

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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Player spotted by Zot:in the BattleSpots App on 13.01.2024

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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Player spotted by Dmytro:in the BattleSpots App on 07.01.2024

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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Player spotted by Pie Pryde: “Hiii. Bloomington mechwarrior here. I don't mind a little travel if need be. I field a Clan Star. I enjoy roleplaying. I do have a character and can play her at any point in her career. I try to keep with the current time line so she currently lives in the Ilkhan era. However, I can roll a pilot for any era. My favorites are the Star League era and Clan Invasion era.” in the BattleSpots App on 28.12.2023

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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BattleReport spotted by Join:in the BattleSpots App on 26.12.2023

#BattleSpots #BattleReport #SPOTTERON

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Player spotted by Jacob Gaughan:in the BattleSpots App on 24.12.2023

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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Local Place spotted by Larry Cummings: “Funkatronic Rex A true gamers game shop. Wonderful staff.” in the BattleSpots App on 16.12.2023

#BattleSpots #LocalPlace #SPOTTERON

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Player spotted by Avuaz:in the BattleSpots App on 27.11.2023

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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Player spotted by Kyoptic:in the BattleSpots App on 20.11.2023

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

Spot in BattleSpots

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Player spotted by Nick Peters: “Looking for people got get a regular meetup going with. Currently waiting for my battletech arrive in the mail, but I have minis for 40k and frostgrave currently ready to go!” in the BattleSpots App on 16.11.2023

#BattleSpots #Player #SPOTTERON

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