Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!
Humpback Whale spotted by camilledefalque: “About 30 humpback whales spotted while on a whale-watching tour from Dunsborough.” in the ClimateWatch App on 07.09.2022
Other marine animal spotted by camilledefalque: “Spotted a pod of 4 bottle nose dolphins while on a whale-watching tour from Dunsborough. Unsure how far we were from the shore (estimated).” in the ClimateWatch App on 07.09.2022
Other bird spotted by camilledefalque: “Bird spotted while walking the Chimney Trail, in Wooditjup National Park.” in the ClimateWatch App on 05.09.2022