Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Spots from all apps

In the Apps on the SPOTTERON platform, the community constantly posts new observations, interesting sightings and reports from around the world. Join up, choose your topics and become an explorer, too!

Free Roaming spotted by DocHarleyMD:in the CoastSnap App on 15.03.2023

#CoastSnap #FreeRoaming #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Coastsnap Station spotted by Paul Crawford:in the CoastSnap App on 14.03.2023

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

White Ibis spotted by Mickfrankb:in the Big City Birds App on 15.03.2023

#BigCityBirds #WhiteIbis #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Free Roaming spotted by Jason Collins:in the CoastSnap App on 15.03.2023

#CoastSnap #FreeRoaming #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Coastsnap Station spotted by Dinavers:in the CoastSnap App on 14.03.2023

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Coastsnap Station spotted by Karenzota:in the CoastSnap App on 14.03.2023

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Brush-turkey spotted by Margaret Scott:in the Big City Birds App on 15.03.2023

#BigCityBirds #Brushturkey #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Brush-turkey spotted by Nick:in the Big City Birds App on 15.03.2023

#BigCityBirds #Brushturkey #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Coastsnap Station spotted by Surfing_wombat:in the CoastSnap App on 15.03.2023

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Forsythie spotted by Buzey:in the Naturkalender App on 14.03.2023

#Naturkalender #Forsythie #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Andere Art spotted by Treitner: “Eschen-Zystidenrindenpilz(PENIOPHORA LIMITATA), on a branch;deciduous tree;deadwood;lying; Natural forest;mixed forest;riverbank.” in the Pilzfinder App on 14.03.2023

#Pilzfinder #AndereArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Pilzfinder

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo spotted by Levi Stubbs: “Saw pepper for the first time in years back on the balcony after eating fruit from the tree next to it.” in the Big City Birds App on 15.03.2023

#BigCityBirds #SulphurcrestedCockatoo #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Coastsnap Station spotted by Neil Andrew:in the CoastSnap App on 15.03.2023

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Coastsnap Station spotted by DutchKiwiSpotter:in the CoastSnap App on 15.03.2023

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Säugetier spotted by beri: “An stark befahrene Bundesstraße lag ein blutiger Körper am rechten Fahrbahnrand. Es gibt dort keine Möglichkeit zum Stehenbleiben. Vermute einen Igel, bin aber nicht sicher..” in the Roadkill App on 14.03.2023

#Roadkill #Sugetier #SPOTTERON

Spot in Roadkill

Feldhase spotted by beri: “Toter Feldhase im angrenzenden Feld neben der Straße.” in the Roadkill App on 15.03.2023

#Roadkill #Feldhase #SPOTTERON

Spot in Roadkill

White Ibis spotted by Jane EA:in the Big City Birds App on 15.03.2023

#BigCityBirds #WhiteIbis #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

anderer Porling spotted by Treitner:in the Pilzfinder App on 14.03.2023

#Pilzfinder #andererPorling #SPOTTERON

Spot in Pilzfinder

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