Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Spots from all apps

In the Apps on the SPOTTERON platform, the community constantly posts new observations, interesting sightings and reports from around the world. Join up, choose your topics and become an explorer, too!

soil moisture spotted by Jens:in the CrowdWater App on 28.02.2022

#CrowdWater #soilmoisture #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

soil moisture spotted by Jens:in the CrowdWater App on 01.03.2022

#CrowdWater #soilmoisture #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

virtual scale spotted by Jens:in the CrowdWater App on 01.03.2022

#CrowdWater #virtualscale #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

physical scale spotted by Jens:in the CrowdWater App on 05.03.2022

#CrowdWater #physicalscale #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

soil moisture spotted by Jens:in the CrowdWater App on 05.03.2022

#CrowdWater #soilmoisture #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

Coastsnap Station spotted by LesleyD: “Debris all along Buddina beach including polystyrene from the large blocks off the floating pontoon” in the CoastSnap App on 06.03.2022

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

virtual scale spotted by Aline Meyer Oliveira:in the CrowdWater App on 04.03.2022

#CrowdWater #virtualscale #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

Aaskrähe Rabenkrähe Nebelkrähe spotted by Franziska: “Tote Nebelkrahe (oder Hybrid) direkt neben Autobahn-Ausfahrt.” in the Roadkill App on 05.03.2022

#Roadkill #AaskrheRabenkrheNebelkrhe #SPOTTERON

Spot in Roadkill

Aussichtspunkt spotted by Kolonist:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 03.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Aussichtspunkt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Monument spotted by Kolonist:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 03.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Monument #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Burg spotted by Kolonist:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 03.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Burg #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

unknown species spotted by Danny VG:in the SpiderSpotter App on 05.03.2022

#SpiderSpotter #unknownspecies #SPOTTERON

Spot in SpiderSpotter

Sonstiges spotted by Kolonist:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 03.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Sonstiges #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Sonstiges spotted by Judith Zimmermann:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 05.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Sonstiges #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Straßenzug spotted by Kolonist:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 03.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Straenzug #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Platz spotted by Kolonist: “Blick in Richtung Spital.” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 03.03.2022

#LandaufLandAppBW #Platz #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Haselstrauch spotted by hexelilli:in the Naturkalender App on 05.03.2022

#Naturkalender #Haselstrauch #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Schwarzer Holunder spotted by hexelilli:in the Naturkalender App on 05.03.2022

#Naturkalender #SchwarzerHolunder #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

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