Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Spots from all apps

In the Apps on the SPOTTERON platform, the community constantly posts new observations, interesting sightings and reports from around the world. Join up, choose your topics and become an explorer, too!

litter spotted by Anna Graf: “Ablaufdatum 2013. liegt also wahrscheinlich noch nicht mal 1 Jahrzehnt herum in der Natur …” in the DRECKSPOTZ | GLOBAL 2000 App on 20.03.2022



physical scale spotted by NoahatArk:in the CrowdWater App on 20.03.2022

#CrowdWater #physicalscale #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

Sal-Weide spotted by Imkerin:in the Naturkalender App on 18.03.2022

#Naturkalender #SalWeide #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Other plant spotted by Sian Haddon:in the Spot-a-Bee App on 19.03.2022

#SpotaBee #Otherplant #SPOTTERON

Spot in Spot-a-Bee

litter spotted by Peddy:in the DRECKSPOTZ | GLOBAL 2000 App on 20.03.2022



Eine andere krautige Art spotted by Toni_Gressler:in the Naturkalender App on 18.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineanderekrautigeArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

litter spotted by Harald MARK:in the DRECKSPOTZ | GLOBAL 2000 App on 20.03.2022



virtual scale spotted by Bergi:in the CrowdWater App on 20.03.2022

#CrowdWater #virtualscale #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

Marille spotted by Gerhard Trukschitz:in the Naturkalender App on 20.03.2022

#Naturkalender #Marille #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Hooded Crow spotted by SNAPSHOTCROWS: “Heute gibts ungewürzte Eierspeise” in the KraMobil App on 20.03.2022

#KraMobil #HoodedCrow #SPOTTERON

Spot in KraMobil

Eine andere Art spotted by Gerhard Trukschitz:in the Naturkalender App on 20.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineandereArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo spotted by MarisaV: “Moaning baby being fed and preened by its parent in the boughs” in the Big City Birds App on 20.03.2022

#BigCityBirds #SulphurcrestedCockatoo #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Brush-turkey spotted by Chris-M: “Looking for other turkey activity” in the Big City Birds App on 21.03.2022

#BigCityBirds #Brushturkey #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo spotted by Thomas Sherwen:in the Big City Birds App on 20.03.2022

#BigCityBirds #SulphurcrestedCockatoo #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Buschwindröschen spotted by Heemuul: “Buschwindröschen - Blühbeginn auf etwa 1000m, es liegt zwar noch viel Schnee aber überall wo wo er schmilzt beginnt es zu blühen. Der Frühling ist auch weiter oben angekommen.” in the Naturkalender App on 19.03.2022

#Naturkalender #Buschwindrschen #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Huflattich spotted by Heemuul: “Huflattich - an sonniger Lage in voller Blüte.” in the Naturkalender App on 19.03.2022

#Naturkalender #Huflattich #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Plants spotted by B. Worm:in the NatureSpots App on 20.03.2022

#NatureSpots #Plants #SPOTTERON

Spot in NatureSpots

Diy Station spotted by CI Ninja: “Super low spring tide!!” in the CoastSnap App on 20.03.2022

#CoastSnap #DiyStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

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