Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Spots from all apps

In the Apps on the SPOTTERON platform, the community constantly posts new observations, interesting sightings and reports from around the world. Join up, choose your topics and become an explorer, too!

virtual scale spotted by Daniel Montplaisir:in the CrowdWater App on 22.03.2022

#CrowdWater #virtualscale #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

Eine andere Strauchart spotted by Franz: “Blätterschieben beim Spiraea x vanhouttei” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineandereStrauchart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Cardinal Spider spotted by Ludovic Declerck:in the SpiderSpotter App on 23.03.2022

#SpiderSpotter #CardinalSpider #SPOTTERON

Spot in SpiderSpotter

Coastsnap Station spotted by Renitaking:in the CoastSnap App on 24.03.2022

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Eine andere krautige Art spotted by Jopun049:in the Naturkalender App on 21.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineanderekrautigeArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Eine andere Strauchart spotted by Jopun049:in the Naturkalender App on 19.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineandereStrauchart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Animals spotted by Danny VG:in the NatureSpots App on 23.03.2022

#NatureSpots #Animals #SPOTTERON

Spot in NatureSpots

Eine andere Baumart spotted by Heemuul: “Kirschpflaume - Blühbeginn 😀” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineandereBaumart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Hänge-Birke spotted by Heemuul: “Birke - Knospenaufbruch und die Blüten beginnen sich zu strecken.” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #HngeBirke #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Gewöhnlicher Linguster spotted by Heemuul: “Liguster - Blattentfaltung.” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #GewhnlicherLinguster #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Forsythie spotted by Heemuul: “Forsythie - jetzt in voller Blüte.” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #Forsythie #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Kornelkirsche / Dirndl spotted by Heemuul: “Kornelkirsche - erste Blattknospen öffnen sich, insgesamt ist er langsam wieder am verblühen.” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #KornelkirscheDirndl #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Eine andere Art spotted by Heemuul: “Ulme - erste Blätter, noch keine Blattentfaltung.” in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #EineandereArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Birne spotted by Birgit:in the Naturkalender App on 23.03.2022

#Naturkalender #Birne #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Eine andere Art spotted by Edlelinde:in the Naturkalender Oberösterreich App on 23.03.2022

#NaturkalenderObersterreich #EineandereArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender Oberösterreich

Water level spotted by City of Jacksonville, Stormwater:in the Coastal Observer App on 23.03.2022

#CoastalObserver #Waterlevel #SPOTTERON

Spot in Coastal Observer

temporary stream spotted by Jansei:in the CrowdWater App on 23.03.2022

#CrowdWater #temporarystream #SPOTTERON

Spot in CrowdWater

litter spotted by Bert:in the DRECKSPOTZ | GLOBAL 2000 App on 23.03.2022



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