Sulphur-crested Cockatoo spotted by Jacinda: “My housemate started feeding the birds and currently has a flock of about 30 cockatoo, as well as galas and pigeons. 4 of the cockatoo have markings and they are all different. These 4 will eat from his hand, one sits in the tree beside the front door and looks in when the door is open. My housemate sweeps the front porch often and a couple of the cockatoos will perch on the gutter and throw down leaf litter and twigs for him to sweep up. They are very vocal around feeding time, and up to an hour b4 feeding time. He started taking out bread as well as seed as the galas won't eat bread. So he puts Dowd the crumbled bread first and then the seed for the galahs to give them a chance to get some b4 the cockatoos. The cockatoos have figured out that they can eat the seed first and the bread will still be there when they finish.” in the Big City Birds App on 22.12.2023
#BigCityBirds #SulphurcrestedCockatoo #SPOTTERON