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other species in SpiderSpotter App spotted by Riah Kearns on 04.08.2024

other species spotted by Riah Kearns: “Cheiracanthium inclusum (yellow sac spider) baby munching on a fruit fly. Found this guy in my hair after I had been moving around some things outside at work. Found a few adults as well that had made their flat, sleeping bag like webs on some shovels in a corner outside. The adults were removed and placed in a field next door. This baby has made a suspended web in a to go cup that anchors at one point at the top and two points at the bottom. It is hard to see the web pattern in the middle where the spider is resting. I did see this spider drawing up the fruit fly from lower in the cup to a higher position. It meticulously wrapped the fly in silk before attempting to eat it.” in the SpiderSpotter App on 04.08.2024

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