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Other plant in ClimateWatch App spotted by Karen Guy on 06.10.2022

Other plant spotted by Karen Guy: “A DENSE HEDGE of Giant Devils Fig. Less than one year old. Classified by the national cheif scientist around 2017? as not a weed of high national significance! Due to so much of it, due to defunding of whatever relevant!? Some locals say it wont damage forest due to canopy cover... I watch it grow under untended Mango orchard with fairly full canopy & grow till through it. They grow a metre within a few weeks with regular rain. Local north coast weeds dept had lobbied govts for at least a decade about this weeds potential for massive invasion, ignored . I've lived rural most of my life & this plant is the worst invasive I've seen. Bird's spread its 100s of seeds in one fruit far & wide. Even welders gloves are not thick enough to stop thorns getting through. What's being done. Zero.” in the ClimateWatch App on 06.10.2022

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