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Other amphibian in ClimateWatch App spotted by Karen Guy on 24.07.2022

Other amphibian spotted by Karen Guy: “There has been one frog sheltering in my water plant hanger which hangs in the small porch, for several weeks. I think it is Perriots, Emerald backed frog, it changes colour. In 2021 i gave photos of frogs finding shelter within water plant hangers outside my dwelling. We had 3 months of rain earlier in 2022 , yet no increase in frog sounds. No new frogs seen in lush front yard bromilliads, as used to happen with a lot of rain. At least cane toads seem to have been knocked back, as in not hearing so much, by previous years of drought & the 3 months of rain with flooding.” in the ClimateWatch App on 24.07.2022

#ClimateWatch #Otheramphibian #SPOTTERON

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