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Brush-turkey in Big City Birds App spotted by Chris-M on 28.01.2023

Brush-turkey spotted by Chris-M: “Shelley Sand approaches hoping to receive some food but she is fussy about the quantity of what she eats. When she wants a taste of something different she leaves food uneaten and looks at me as if to ask if I have something else to offer, which I sometimes do, and if I don’t, she walks away and then picks on something or other that she sees from the natural environment. At the time of day that I usually walk around here, and that doesn’t follow a regular pattern, she is likely to have already been foraging for most of the daylight hours or scavenging from elsewhere.” in the Big City Birds App on 28.01.2023

#BigCityBirds #Brushturkey #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

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