Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Straßenzug spotted by Martin Hahn: “Steiler Weg nach oben: die gepflasterte Schloßsteige vom Städtchen hoch zum Schloss in Neuenbürg” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 23.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Straenzug #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Kirche spotted by Martin Hahn: “Stadtkirche in Neuenbürg von der Schlosssteige aus gesehen” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 23.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Kirche #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Straßenzug spotted by Martin Hahn: “Schnurgerade Straßenzug der Amalienstraße in der Plansiedlung Karlsdorf, die u.a. durch die hochwasserbedingte Verlegung des ehemaligen Rheindorfes Dettenheim 1813 entstand. Vorher gab es hier ein Barockschloss von Fürstbischof Kardinal Damian Hugo von Schönborn, das heute bis auf das Torhaus verschwunden ist” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Straenzug #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Brunnen spotted by Martin Hahn: “Sogenannter Esserbrunnen von 1928 in Eggenstein” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Brunnen #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Wohnhaus spotted by Martin Hahn: “Seltenes Fachwerkhaus in der Rheinebene, die eher denkmalarm ist, heute Heimatmuseum Eggenstein” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Wohnhaus #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Kirche spotted by Martin Hahn: “Stilmix aus Neugotik, Expressionismus und Jugendstil, die katholische Pfarrkirche in der Plansiedlung Karlsdorf” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Kirche #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Mühle spotted by Martin Hahn: “Mühle in Eggenstein, das vor der Rheinkorrektur durch Tulla direkt am Fluss lag” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Mhle #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Schloss spotted by Martin Hahn: “Schloss Gochsheim, im Kern ein Renaissancebau” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Schloss #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Tor spotted by Martin Hahn: “Tor­ge­bäude der ehe­ma­li­gen Schloss­anlage Alten­bürg, später Rathaus und heute Museum” in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 22.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Tor #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps

Wegkreuz spotted by Judith Zimmermann:in the Landauf, LandApp BW App on 20.03.2023

#LandaufLandAppBW #Wegkreuz #SPOTTERON

Spot in Landauf, LandApp BW

Published in Spots from all apps
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Can I use my user account in multiple apps?

Absolutely! After creating your user account, you can log in with it in all apps and projects on the SPOTTERON platform without the need to register again. You can find additional apps and topics here: - Please be invited to download any app which you like to join and start spotting!

How can I erase my stored personal data?

To erase all your personal data stored on Spotteron you can simply go to the settings panel in the app you use. There you can enter your current password there as confirmation about your identity and then just "klick" Delete now. There is not even a delay, your personal data is automatically erased.

GPS-Location doesn't work. What can I do?

At the first start of the app, it asks for permission to use the location of your phone. Please make sure that you have granted that permission - you can find an app's permission in your phone settings. Alternatively, you can uninstall and reinstall the app and grant permission - no worries, no user account data or observations are lost, you have simply to log in again.

If the reticle doesn't jump to your current location, you can also use the address search search-circle.png to find it or move the map to your current location manually.
If you want to be use your location, you need to turn on "Location" in your phone's quick settings (if it wasn't turned on already) and open the app again, wait a few seconds and click on the crosshairs crosshair.png