Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Economy spotted by Ka vonSeiten: “Beach holiday in Italy” in the COSEA App on 05.09.2023


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Habitats spotted by Ka vonSeiten:in the COSEA App on 05.09.2023


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Pollution spotted by Ka vonSeiten: “Test” in the COSEA App on 31.05.2024


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Pollution spotted by Dominik Essl: “On this side of the Island there is a lot of pollution mostly from ships. You can find nets, big buoys, and bigger plastic pieces. 😒” in the COSEA App on 30.05.2024


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Activities spotted by Dominik Essl: “Took a 30 min dive along the coastal site. Lots of small fishes can be seen. The water is very clear today!” in the COSEA App on 30.05.2024


Spot in COSEA

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Economy spotted by Dominik Essl: “Coastal fisher town with a lot of beach tourism during summer months July and August. 🏖️The sand from the beach is extracted and shipped to other villages 😯” in the COSEA App on 30.05.2024


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Infrastructure spotted by Dominik Essl:in the COSEA App on 30.05.2024

#COSEA #Infrastructure #SPOTTERON

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