Last October (2019) two burnt cockatoos turned up in my yard, so I fed them and they came back and kept bringing more till I was feeding the whole flock. I called rescues but they were all busy helping animals that couldn’t fly to safety so I helped the burnt ones and I went to a local vet for advice, a few have beak and feather disease. So they have decided my backyard is their safe place and come to rest all throughout the day.
I also get a mated pair of corellas and galahs and a flock of pigeons and a flock of rainbow lorikeets sometimes comes. Magpies hover at the back of my yard but won’t come unless it’s only pigeons.
In this pic you can see the bird has one eye. I have two with one eye and two with 1 foot, there’s also one with a deformed foot yet none of them are held back by their disabilities although the one eyed ones are more jumpy because they can’t see as far. | Big City Birds App | 09.12.2020
Spot in Big City Birds