Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

New Cycling infrastructure spotted by Ernest: “És podria incorporar un senyal especific de bicics per poder creuar el semàfor i així contribuir a millorar el flux de vehicles sostenibles, i no sortir del semàfor entre cotxes amb el perill que comporta.” in the BiciZen App on 08.06.2023

#BiciZen #NewCyclinginfrastructure #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by fxr:in the BiciZen App on 08.06.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Ignasi Salvado:in the BiciZen App on 08.06.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Jordi Honey-Rosés:in the BiciZen App on 08.06.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Anonymous: “Created in 2023” in the BiciZen App on 08.06.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Feedback for BiciZen spotted by Anonymous:in the BiciZen App on 08.06.2023

#BiciZen #FeedbackforBiciZen #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

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Parking spotted by Michael Honey: “Stanford university ….pretty and functional” in the BiciZen App on 07.06.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Safety spotted by Ernest: “A la foto el carril bici està en la part central. Entre la Av. Torreblanca i carrer Borrell.” in the BiciZen App on 07.06.2023

#BiciZen #Safety #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

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Safety spotted by Olga Wessels:in the BiciZen App on 07.06.2023

#BiciZen #Safety #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps

Parking spotted by Luca Liebscht:in the BiciZen App on 07.06.2023

#BiciZen #Parking #SPOTTERON

Spot in BiciZen

Published in Spots from all apps
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