Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!


Cane toads are relentless invaders. They were transported to sugar cane growing regions of the world from South America early last century, including Australia, in the hope, they would eradicate beetles devastating sugar cane crops. The experiment failed spectacularly. Toads ignored beetles, and instead embarked on an epic global invasion. With this App, you can reduce their population to protect local flora and fauna.

Citizen Science helping to cope with an invasive species

The purpose of the Cane Toad Challenge app is to support citizen science, to inspire the public, media, scientists, authorities and decision-makers, to catalyse awareness and gather data, to inform the development and implementation of more effective cane toad control policies and practices.

Tagged under
  • Conservation
  • Environment protection
  • Invasive species
  • Animals
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