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Charles Risen, Pixabay

European beech

Fagus sylvatica

  • Height: up to 30 m
  • Trunk: smooth, grey-brown bark
  • Leaves: ovate to elliptical, 5-10 cm long, wavy to slightly toothed edges, initially hairy
  • Fruits/seeds: triangular, edible nuts in spiky fruit cups
  • Other: Shade tree species, special form of copper beech with red leaves


Bucheckern der Rotbuche Wolfgang Schödel

Bucheckern der Rotbuche
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel

Rotbuche Ganzer Baum Janina Deutschmann
Rotbuche - Ganzer Baum
Photo: Janina Deutschmann

Rotbuche Rinde Janina Deutschmann
Rotbuche - Rinde
Photo: Janina Deutschmann

Bucheckern der Rotbuche Wolfgang Schödel II
Bucheckern der Rotbuche
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel