Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

Charles Risen, Pixabay


Fraxinus excelsior

  • Height: up to 30 m, exceptions up to 40 m
  • Trunk: grey to olive green bark when young, finely furrowed with age
  • Leaves: opposite, odd-pinnate leaves, 20-40 cm long, consisting of individual leaflets (7-13)
  • Buds: large buds, with black felt-like hairs
  • Fruits/seeds: winged fruits in clusters
  • Other: common disease ash dieback, recognisable by dying branches, starting in the crown


Esche Wolfgang Schödel Früchte der Esche
Esche - Früchte der Esche
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel

Esche Janina Deutschmann
Photo: Janina Deutschmann